Cypress Groups


Group Norms


Be courageous, compassionate and connected
Be a listener
Eliminate judgement, advice giving, and interrupting
It’s okay to say “pass” on a question
Honor time. Time frame is about 45 minutes (give or take 15). Anything more is “meeting after the meeting”. 

What the World Needs Now

Sunday, November 3 - Self-Control


NOTE: Don’t feel the pressure to ask all of these questions. You may want to prioritize which ones you think will generate the most discussion within your group. 


Ice Breaker:

If you could go somewhere to get away, where would you go?



Comment on this verse: “Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭25‬:‭28‬ ‭NIV‬‬ 


What is a working definition of self-control?


Tell about a time you witnessed a lack of self control in yourself or in someone else.


Why is it hard to master self-control?


What are some of the results of a lack-of self control in a life?


Why is self-control important?


How does one go about growing in self control?


How does self-control impact your relationships with others?


What one take away from the teaching?


Prayer Time:

Grant me Father, I pray, a spirit of self control. May I face all issues of life with calmness and control, from self and over-indulgence. I pray for love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Amen.

What the World Needs Now

Sunday, October 27 - The Real Deal


In this message from the "What Our World Needs Now" series, Eric explores the fruit of faithfulness and how our actions must align with our claimed beliefs. Through personal stories and biblical wisdom from James, he demonstrates how authentic faith isn't just about words, but must be evidenced through actions. The message challenges believers to examine their hearts and let the Holy Spirit transform them from the inside out, ultimately becoming "the real deal" - Christians whose lives genuinely reflect their faith through loving actions that impact their communities.


NOTE: Don’t feel the pressure to ask all of these questions. You may want to prioritize which ones you think will generate the most discussion within your group. 


Ice Breaker. Choose one:

What’s one food you could never give up, no matter what? Or

What are the qualities you appreciate in your closest friends?



Explain faithfulness either as a definition or an example.

Is there a difference between faith and faithfulness?

Can you think of a time when someone’s actions didn’t match their words (Unfaithness)? How did that unfaithfulness impact your relationship and opinion of that person?

Read James 2:14-18. In James 2:14, James asks, “What good is it, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions?” How do you think faith or faithfulness and actions work together?

Why do you think people sometimes struggle to live out what they say they believe?

Faithfulness is “being utterly reliable and true to your word.” -Tim Keller How do you think we can cultivate and demonstrate faithfulness in our daily lives and relationships?

What was one of your take always from the teaching this week?


Prayer Time:

As we close in prayer, let’s ask God to help us live lives that back up our beliefs with actions, and to reflect faithfulness in everything we do.