We are so glad you're considering getting baptized. The information on these pages will give you an explanation of Baptism, as well as the steps you will need to take to be baptized at Cypress Meadows Community Church.


If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail or call the church at (727) 725-4570. We'd be happy to help you!


The Ethiopian asked Philip, "Tell me, please, who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else?" Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus. As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the Ethiopian said, "Look, here is water. Why shouldn't I be baptized?"... Then they went into the water and Philip baptized him. — Acts 8:34–38


Once a person admits that he or she is a sinner and turns to Christ for salvation, the Bible says the watching world needs to know. Baptism has always stood as a kind of public test for people who have moved from being a seeker to being a believer.


Believers are those who have realized that their sin has separated them from God. They have given up all efforts to reach God through good works or religious activity. They have concluded that Jesus Christ's death on the cross for their sins is the only thing that can bridge the gap between them and God. A believer is someone who has decided to trust Christ alone for his or her salvation.


If you have come to this point in your spiritual journey, then you are ready to be baptized. Just as a bride and groom tell of their love for one another through the symbol of rings, you should also want to show the world, through Baptism, of your union with Christ. Let the miracle that has happened in you show through the sacred ordinance. 


In Matthew 28:19–20, Jesus commands his followers to "go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit…" Baptism is the means by which followers of Christ are identified.


In passages such as Acts 2:41, 8:12 and 10:47–48, it is evident that Baptism follows an individual's decision to trust Christ alone for salvation. The New Testament records the Baptisms of adult believers only. Baptism was never intended to provide salvation for an individual, but rather to publicly identify a person with Christ. In Romans 6:1–11, the apostle Paul explains how the immersion mode of Baptism identifies the believer with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Going under the water represents Christ's death and coming out of the water illustrates His resurrection.


You do not have to be baptized to have Christ in your heart any more than you must exchange rings to be pronounced man and wife. But if the inner commitment to trust Christ alone for salvation has been made, then the outward symbol of Baptism should be as valued and as visible as the gold ring on a newlywed's finger.


Cypress Meadows Community Church understands Scripture to teach that only professing believers qualify for Baptism.


Scriptural teaching on Baptism may be summarized as follows:


1. Baptism is an act of obedience to the command of Christ, fulfilled by individuals who have submitted themselves to His sovereignty.

2. Baptism symbolizes the spiritual cleansing through divine forgiveness and the newness of life experience by believers by virtue of their identification with Christ in His death and resurrection.

3. Baptism provides an opportunity for believers to make a formal profession of their faith before the church.

4. As a biblical rite of initiation into the body of Christ, Baptism of believers may be considered a prerequisite for joining the membership of the church.


If you are ready to get baptized, you will need to complete the following steps:


Step 1 — Baptism Registration Form

We ask that anyone intending to be baptized at Cypress Meadows complete and return a Baptism registration form. 


Where to find the Baptism Registration Form

1) Stop by the big white tent on our patio at Sunday services

2) Visit the church office during normal business hours and request a paper copy

3) Click the button below to go to the online form


Where to return the paper Baptism Registration Form

1) Stop by the big white tent on our patio at Sunday services

2) Drop it off at the church office during normal business hours


Step 2 - Baptism Story Form

Once your Registration Form has been received, we will ask you to fill out a Baptism Story Form. This is a few paragraphs describing how and when you decided to trust Christ alone for your salvation. It is helpful for you to recognize the difference Christ had made in your life. 


Step 3 - Capture Your Baptism Story

After we receive your Baptism Story Form, one of our staff members will reach out and schedule a time for you to come to the church a record your story. A host will be present to ask questions and guide you as we video your story. There's no pressure to be perfect. Simply be yourself and tell us about what God has done in your life.


On Baptism Sunday morning we ask that you arrive 30 minutes before service. We the clothes that you plan on being Baptized in (you'll receive a Baptism t-shirt that morning). You'll meet with a host who will:

1) give you your t-shirt to wear

2) have you sign the Baptism poster

3) walk you through what will happen during service so that you're comfortable with what you will need to do and when


At the end of service, the Pastor will ask those who will be Baptized to come forward while the band plays a song. Make your way to the front of the auditorium at that point. If you will have a guest standing with you, they should come up at this point as well.


The Pastor will call you over into the pool when it is your turn to be Baptized. Someone will be available to help you up two steps and as you enter the pool.


Once you are in the pool, the pastor may ask you to tell us a little bit about your story. Then he will ask you two questions regarding your decision to trust Christ.


Have you trusted in Jesus Christ for salvation as is offered in the Gospels?

Is it your intention to follow after Him through death to self and raising to a new way of living of which this baptism is a symbol?


After you say “yes” the pastor will say, “then it is my privilege to Baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, buried in the likeness of his death…”


Then the pastor will immerse you. When you rise up, the pastor will say, “and raised in the likeness of His resurrection.”


You will then be helped back out of the pool and given a towel to take home with you.